Using: LyX v. OS: Fedora Core 33 TeXLive v. 9 I noticed a weird behaviour for some time already with Instant Preview. In: Preferences -> Look & Feel -> Display -> Instant preview, if I set Preview size 1.2, then during the edition, when a given formula is rendered for the first time, the display size is OK. However, when I restart LyX and resume processing the text, the same formula is rendered with a much smaller size... very difficult to read.
If I try to circumvent this problem by setting preview size to, say, 1.5, then on the first time the equation becomes huge, although after restart the new size is better than with the previous setting. Has anyone noticed this behaviour as well? I'd say this is a bug, but, I don't know... -- Rudi Gaelzer Instituto de Física Departamento de Física Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -- lyx-users mailing list