On Thu, Mar 04, 2021 at 11:24:40AM +0100, Robert Neumann wrote:
> >> I cannot reproduce on Mac either. 
> > 
> > Actually I can. When I look into ~/Library/Preferences I see possible 
> > culprit --
> > there are two plist files: org.lyx.LyX-2.3.plist and second 
> > org.lyx.lyx.plist.
> > 
> > It seems that one of them is used when lyx is launched from icon and the 
> > second
> > when you click on some .lyx file.
> > 
> > Robert, if you click on some .lyx file and set VC Toolbar , then quit and 
> > again
> > click on .lyx file then the setting persists. Correct?
> yes and no:
> - the setting persists, if I just close the file in LyX and click on the same 
> file in the finder
> It is gone/forgotten:
> - if I open another file (this might be intended)
> - if I close LyX in the dock, so that LyX is totally closed and then click on 
> the file again

This is not exactly what I observe:
Scenario 1:
1. open via (clicking on) file, set CT toolbar on.
2. close window (but not instance)
3. open via the same file
4. toolbar is lost

Scenario 2:
1. open via (clicking on) file, set CT toolbar on.
2. close window (but not instance)
3. open via the another file
4. toolbar is lost

Scenario 3:
1. open via (clicking on) file, set CT toolbar on.
2. quit the whole lyx instance
3. open via the same file
4. toolbar is remembered

Scenario 4:
1. open via (clicking on) file, set CT toolbar on.
2. quit the whole lyx instance
3. open via the another file
4. toolbar is remembered

So at least here (lyx & big sur 11.2.1), its not the file identity,
but the fact whether you just close window or the whole app which matters.

Given that Stephan can not reproduce the best workaround is perhaps
permananetly change the ui file (see Eberhard's mail).

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