I have encountered a not-so-nice feature in LyX version 1.1.14fix3 on
Debian Potato (i.e. stable). Files written on another system (SuSE 6.3)
with LyX 1.1.5fix2 get corrupted:
- protected spaces disappear, no space at all shows up.
- sometimes things written after a vanishing protected space are
also lost, and if this includes environment change or anything but
standard text, weird things may happen
- if such a corrupted file is saved and re-opened, more corruption may
- even if I replace the spaces again, save and re-open, they are gone
again, taking some more following texts with them...
The problem does not appear on documents originally created and processed
only on the same computer/LyX.
Any clue on why this happens, and any solution other than upgrading LyX?
I know upgrade would help as I have already compiled 1.1.6 but not yet
done 'make install'. I've tried to keep this Debian-machine as Potato as
possible -- that's why I'd like not to upgrade until later versions are
included in Potato.
Erkko Airo
"Erkon puheita on mukava kuunnella vaikkei niistä aina
mitään tolkkua saakaan." P. Monto, Talouselämä 6/99