Hello Eberhard,
Thank you very much for your suggestions. I think Hazel + some scripting could 
make life easier if I have to tweak too much things, too frequently in this 

In the meantime, I have discovered that with correct options in Pandoc (and I 
have not explored them all yet), the document obtained through the import 
filters is already pretty decent in fact. Kudos to LyX again!

I currently use the following command line for md -> tex conversion :

pandoc -s  -f markdown-auto_identifiers+raw_tex -t latex   -o $$o $$I

-auto_identifiers+raw_tex extensions, respectively,  eliminate some automatic 
referencing that does not play very well with LyX, and the possibility of 
including raw latex in the MD document.

With time, I will have to make things more sophist aced (including YAML 
headers, references etc.) but for now I am quite happy with what I get as a 

Best regards,


> Le 11 déc. 2020 à 00:33, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <nos...@lisse.na> a écrit :
> Murat,
> I would not do that through an import from the LyX GUI.
> Convert to LaTeX (with pandoc) and then modify the template pandoc uses
> in steps until the TeX file it produces converts into proper LyX
> (tex2lyx).
> Write yourself a Makefile, especially if a little Perl or Python is
> required to make changes to the LyX file.
> I once had to take a MindMap and generate a Beamer presentation, so a
> little AppleScript was even required in the Makefile to export to
> Markdown, but eventually this worked out great.
> Same for trying to dictate, which does not work with LyX at all.
> Markdown works very well, and a little Makefile produces very nice LyX.
> make is part of the XCode Command Line Tools which you get from the
> command line with
>       sudo xcode-select --install
> el
> On 2020-12-10 05:15 , Murat Yildizoglu wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I am trying to find a way to directly import markdown documents in Lyx.
>> I have created a Markdown file type and a filter Markdown->Latex using
> a pandoc command for the conversion:
>>                 pandoc -f markdown_mmd -t latex   -o $$o $$I
>> But Lyx does not include this type in the import menu.
>> What am I missing?
>> How can I do this?
>> Is this possible?
>> Thank you for your help!
>> Murat
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Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Advisor to the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of Cambodia
Expertise France

On temporary leave from 
University of Bordeaux


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