Hi All,
Just something that bugs me about the math mode in Lyx.
When I am in math mode and want to highlight the equation
to the end of the equation for a cut/copy and paste operation,
I find that hitting shift and then the end key does not highlight the
equation up to the end of the equation! Know what I mean?
When you try to highlight text in Lyx to the end of the line
you just hit shift and then the end key and "bang" it is highlighted!
Same sort of thing backwards to highlight from somewhere in the
middel of the equation to the start of the equation.
Does anyone know why Lyx does this, and whether it could be
easily fixed?
I know typing equations in Lyx is much easier than in Latex,
so I should be greatful for what Lyx does do, but, you know,
tweaking until everything is just the way you like it
is great!
Thanks in advance.
Robert Koehler BSc, BEng(Mech)
Active Noise & Vibration Control Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Adelaide University
Adelaide, 5005
South Australia
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