Could somebody enlighten me.
I have problems with a small table (multicolumn) 

a) latex complains about not defined german language, which I do not want. 
Its english and I have set it so in layout > document > language (english)
LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):


! Package babel Error: You haven't defined the language german yet.
See the babel package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.19 \selectlanguage{german}
! Package babel Error: You haven't defined the language english yet.

See the babel package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
I am including the lyx and ps file
b) afterward it complains:

LaTeX Warning: No \author given.

Underfull \hbox (badness 1024) in paragraph at lines 28--33
[]\T1/cmr/m/n/10 This ques-tion-aire is de-signed to de-ter-mine your

! LaTeX Error: Illegal character in array arg.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.82 \multicolumn{6}{example}{example}
! LaTeX Error: Illegal character in array arg.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
and many more error messages of this kind

The output of the first table is incorrect, it should be similar to the 
second, however with a header (see the lyx file)
b) I would like to have the table somewhat smaller in order to fit the column.
how can I reduce the margins around the cell contents somewhat for that 
I am not a newbie, but an oldie, so please be patient and donīt tell me 
`you get what you ask forī  since I did not ask for german  ;)

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Chronobiological phase type test
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Chronobiological phase type 
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This questionaire is designed to determine your chronobiological phase type.
 It is concerned with your activities and how much you feel awake in the
 morning and in the evening.
 In answering questions 1 to 4: Assume that you can work eight hours per
 day at times you are free to choose.
 Answer all questions.
 Cross only one answer.
 Be honest.
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\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

How difficult is it for you if you have to go to bed each day at 1:00 o'clock
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(4) Very difficult.
 I would be terribly tired for a long time 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(3) Quite difficult.
 I would be tired for some time 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(2) Not difficult.
 I would feel slightly tired 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(1) Not difficult, no problem
\layout Enumerate
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

How difficult is it for you if you have to rise up each day at 6:00 o'clock?
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(1) Very difficult.
 I would be terribly tired for a long time 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(2) Quite difficult.
 I would be tired for some time 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(3) Not difficult.
 I would feel slightly tired 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(4) Not difficult, no problem
\layout Enumerate
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

You have decided to participate in a fitness-training.
 Your friend proposes to train twice per week.
 For him/her the best time would be from 7 to 8 in the evening.
 How would this be for you?
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(4) It would be optimal 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(3) would be all right
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(2)I would have difficulties, I would prefer a later time 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(1) It would be too hard for me
\layout Enumerate
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You have decided to participate in a fitness-training.
 Your friend proposes to train twice per week.
 For him/her the best time would be from 23 to24 in the morning.
 How would this be for you?
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(4) It would be optimal 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(3) would be all right
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(2)I would have difficulties, I would prefer a later time 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(1) It would be too hard for me
\layout Enumerate
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Mark the time span in which you 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 go to bed.
 The uppermost row is an example for somebody who normally goes to bed between
 22:00 and 23:30 .

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Mark the time span in which you 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 wake up.

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\layout Enumerate
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

Are you a morning- or evening active person?
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(5) extremely morning active 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(4) moderately morning active 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(3) neither 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(2) moderately evening active 
\layout Itemize
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

(1) extremely evening active
\layout Standard
\pextra_type 3 \pextra_widthp 80

The values in parenthesis should be summed up (in the examples of question
 5 one would use (4) and not (5) ).
 The chronobiological phase type can be determined using the sum of the
 scores in the following:
\layout Itemize

7-10 extreme evening type
\layout Itemize

11-14 evening type
\layout Itemize

15-21 indifference type
\layout Itemize

22-25 morning type
\layout Itemize

26-31 extreme morning type

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