you may try to export your text as a html file. it can be read by some
versions of m$ Word, like 97 or 2000.

there are may programmes for that, some work as a Lyx plu-in


R.E. de Lima-Lopes
GNU/Linux Registered User # 182240

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, Praedor Tempus wrote:

> Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 10:33:40 -0600
> From: Praedor Tempus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: From lyx to word
> I know of many of the conversion apps for latex (dvi2rtf, latex2rtf, 
> latex2html, etc) but I have been unable to use any of them to successfully 
> transfer a lyx document to word.  
> I know about the loss of formatting and fancy fonts in going to rtf but what 
> really threw me was that my citations and bibliography for the paper do not 
> transfer.  When I look at the dvi view of my document, I see all the proper 
> citations and the reference page is also correct.  Running dvi2rtf, however, 
> leaves me with only the text of the body, no citations and no references.  I 
> don't get it.  If the processed dvi view of the document contains the 
> references and citations, why doesn't the rtf file that it proceeds from it 
> with dvi2rtf?  Using latex2rtf is the same way.  Converting to html is worse, 
> as it converts all my symbols and superscripts to image files that do not 
> display properly.  
> I need to transfer my lyx document to word.  I would really like to keep the 
> citations and reference page intact, knowing that I will need to reformat the 
> paragraphs, fonts, etc, but at least not have to redo all the citations.
> Is there no decent intermediary format that will faithfully transfer a lyx 
> document to word (by faithfully, again, I merely mean that the body text, 
> citations, and reference page actually transfers)?
> Since there are some pretty decent word filters now available - from 
> staroffice - now openoffice - and koffice, to name two, can't this filter be 
> incorporated into lyx as an export filter?  Or perhaps create a conversion 
> app that will convert latex or dvi to word, keeping as much of the font types 
> and citations/references as possible?

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