Hello -- I would like to try the LyX 1.1.6 support for DocBook. I've installed sgmltools and it seems to be installed OK. However, when I create a new DocBook document type. 1. The Lyx format settings let you select a DocBook article or book; the online documentation makes no reference to this. Instead, it talks about LinuxDoc. It's my understanding that these are related but not the same -- which is actually implemented? 2. When I try to generate a PostScript view of my DobBook file, sgmltools complains that it can't find a stylesheet: Traceback (innermost last): File "/usr/bin/sgmltools", line 81, in ? tool.processFile(curfile) File "/usr/lib/sgml/misc/sgmltools/python/SGMLtools.py", line 218, in processFile dssslfile = utils.findStylesheet(stylesheet, self._aliases) File "/usr/lib/sgml/misc/sgmltools/python/utils.py", line 307, in findStylesheet return findStylesheet(name, aliases) File "/usr/lib/sgml/misc/sgmltools/python/utils.py", line 317, in findStylesheet raise IOError, "Couldn't resolve pubid [%s]" % id IOError: Couldn't resolve pubid ["-//SGMLtools//DOCUMENT Docbook Style Sheet for Print//EN"] What causes this? (might be answered below). 3. I looked at http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ and there seem to be many different style sheets in different languages: SGML, XML, XML Schema, etc. Which should be used? How/where are they installed? Does LyX care which version of DocBook is being used? Thanks very much! Ramon