Am Samstag, den 07.03.2020, 10:21 +0100 schrieb Daniel:
> I am trying to start a new paragraph after a list but failed so far. 
> Attached is my attempt. In the LyX workarea it looks as I want but
> the 
> output differs.
> Below is how one would create this in LaTeX. The empty line after
> the 
> first list starts the new paragraph. But for some reason LyX
> comments 
> out the empty line after the first list.

It does so since it's easier to add a paragraph break than to remove
one (and you often don't want a paragraph break after lists and or

> Does someone have an idea?

Right-click on that separator inset and select "Paragraph break". (An
alternative would be to insert an empty note or ERT inbetween).


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