On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 18:56:43 +0000
Paul Evans <p...@cpevans.org> wrote:

> I was struck by your observation that the memoir class ignores the
> LyX page sizes. I have been using memoir as my base for most LyX
> drafting and have happily used either the LyX defaults or minor
> variations specified in the LyX settings eg on margins without any
> apparent need to put anything in the preamble. Is this just because I
> have simple needs (a4, standard margins)? If I needed a greater range
> of sizes would I then find that the LyX settings were ignored? 


The problem is that standard LaTeX page definitions do not allow the
precise layout design which is one of memoir's purposes, so the package
does things differently. The default values are ones which are used
very frequently, so new users of memoir often don't notice the
difference. But when you want to move away from the default you have
problems. That's how I found out that memoir does things differently.


Les Denham
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