If you are able to compile LyX on your own with debug symbols (or if you
can install debug symbols on Manjaro) and get a backtrace, that would be
very useful. We can help you do that if need be.


PS Please bottom post and reply to the list.

I'm constantly forgetting about bottomposting and replaying to all, sorry.

I can try install debug symbols and get a backtrace if you'll provide 
instructions – I don't know about that anything. Manjaro is just a bit more 
stable Arch, so instructions to Arch should work.

One more question. I installed Lyx in Windows (at work, I rarely use it) 
without admin privileges and can't find file lyxeditor.cmd. Wiki says, that it 
is essential to run inverse search from SumatraPDF. Is this file hidden 
somewhere or I should create it following this advice: LaTeX/LyX — 
Documentation: Windows 0.1.0 documentation

LaTeX/LyX — Documentation: Windows 0.1.0 documentation
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