On Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:53:42 -0700 (PDT) wrote Craig Finch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am trying to call my "Bibliography" a "List of
> References." I have created a custom style file based
> on the Report class where I use the command:
> \renewcommand{\bibname}{LIST OF REFERENCES}
> Unfortunately that doesn't work. I also tried placing
> it in the LaTeX preamble, but that doesn't change the
> name either. The only way it works is if I use Red
> Text (TeX mode) and insert the command just before the
> beginning of the bibliography.
Once again, Herberts site has the answer:
This does not work if you load any specific language package, like german.
These packages overwrite all language specific commands. In this case write
\AtBeginDocument[\renewcommand\bibname{your heading for bibliography}}
Same for \refname