Andre Berger wrote:
> Just don't tell him that it's Helvetica and not Arial. Most people won't
> be able to distinguish between these fonts anyway. IIRC it's
> theoratically possible in LaTeX, but it would be much harder to do than
> your Jahresarbeit.
> Helvetica und Arial sehen sich so aehnlich, dass kaum jemand den
> Unterschied bemerkt. Nimm ohne grosses Aufsehen Helvetica; LaTeX Arial
> beizubringen wuerde den Nutzen erheblich uebersteigen.

If you just tell LyX to use helvetica as font, this will not do the job
completely, as page numbers etc. are still printed in a roman font. However, you
can tell TeX to use Helvetica as default "roman" (not really, then...) font by
inserting the following commands into the LaTeX preamble:

\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv} % use Helvetica for sans serif fonts
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv} % use Helvetica for roman fonts
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} % use courier for typewriter

Basically, this is the contents of the file times.sty, but of course with a
different definition for rmdefault. If you use mathematical symbols in your
document, you should also say

\usepackage{mathptm} % get times instead of modern for math symbols

**above** these three lines.


| Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Dreß                                       """"           |
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