On 11.12.19 14:57, Kornel Benko wrote:
Am Wed, 11 Dec 2019 14:31:27 +0100
schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de>:
On 11.12.19 11:21, Baris Erkus wrote:
On 11-Dec-19 1:17 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I try to set the Converter EPS>PNG in Tools>Preferences>FileHandling
clicked From format EPS To format PNG (or PDF...)
but the box Add and Modify at the right are both grayed out > I can't
add the selected.
I have ImageMagick installed (6.9.10-23 QT16) and lyx 2.3.3 with
Texlive full and the recommended additional software for LyX.
What is wrong?
It should be greyed out if you have not modified it and if you have
the converter defined. Add is for the new converter. Modify should be
available after you modify converter.
I did as you showed in your screenshot. I clicked 'modify' and
reconfigured lyx, but get still the error. I add a minimal example of
the beamer document with two figures, one as a .jpg which is displayed
in the pdf, the other one as an .eps, which is not.
Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:
Compiles fine here. What is your eps->pdf(graphics) converter?
Mine is epstopdf (from package texlive-font-utils)
epstopdf --outfile=$$o $$i is set in the converter.
How do I get the epstopdf? I tried this:
tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
tlmgr: package repository
http://ctan.space-pro.be/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)
tlmgr install: package already present: collection-fontsrecommended
tlmgr install texlive-font-utils
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
tlmgr: package repository
http://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)
tlmgr install: package texlive-font-utils not present in repository.
tlmgr: action install returned an error; continuing.
tlmgr: An error has occurred. See above messages. Exiting.
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