I use LyX Version 2.3.3.dev (not released yet)
Built from git commit hash 91cfd0b5 Library directory: /usr/local/share/lyx/ User directory: ~/.lyx/ Qt Version (run-time): 4.8.7 Qt Version (compile-time): 4.8.7 under LinuxMint and want to use biblatex. I found this for the biblatex.modul > Is this correct? #\DeclareLyXModule{Biblatex-citation-styles} #DescriptionBegin #A prerequisite for using the biblatex package. This module #enables the author/year citation styles without actually loading natbib. #Biblatex itself needs to be loaded manually. Cf. #http://wiki.lyx.org/BibTeX/Biblatex #DescriptionEnd Format 11 # this is biblatex actually Provides natbib 1 And where do I store it so that Lyx finds it? In my .lyx folder all the subfolders are empty and there is none for modules. Is it sufficient to put it in Documents>Settings>modules? Or is it called from there and it has to be somewhere else? Wolfgang