
that is easily solved...

...not the age, of course :-)-O

Documents -> Settings -> Formats -> Output Format/Default Output Format:

        Pull Down -> PDF (LuaTeX)

On the Bottom Right: OK

Then you look for the eyes in the toolbar on the top, and if you click
those, or run Control-R (I think, on the Mac it's Command-R) it'll
generate PDF.

If you work off of a template, do it there and whenever you copy it for
a new document it's already there.

I can confirm the italic issue on the beamer format (ie doing a
presentation) but I can't confirm it on Koma's letter and article

when I run

        lyx --help

I see:

   -e [--export] fmt
         where fmt is the export format of choice.  Look in
         Tools->Preferences->File Handling->File Formats->Short Name
         to see which parameter (which differs from the format name
         in the File->Export menu) should be passed.

There I found stuff like pdf5 (which is the one from LuaLaTex) and some

So, when I run

        for i in 2 3 4 5 7 8
                lyx -f -E pdf$i test.$i.pdf test.lyx
        lyx -f -e pdf test.lyx

I get the enclosed (all possible?) PDFs.

I have also enclosed the source of the MWE for your convenience.

So perhaps you want to send me (off list) the two liner with a non
working emphasized word for testing.  If I get it before 19:00 European
time I can play with it on the plane back to Namibia.

greetings, el

On 2019-07-06 02:54 , John White wrote:
> Cause I am old.  Habit over 20 years or more with lovely lyx.
> I don't see a Lualatex in the export menu.  I see pdf (luatex), which
> I am using on my 2.3.2 lyx version, and latex (luatex) which I have
> never tried.
> I like Noto Serif too.  If you get the chance, please tell your friend
> that italicized Noto serif text prints as regular (non-italicized
> text) when exported via pdf (luatex) using Koma script article on my
> Debian stretch machine.  Italics are not lost when, all else being the
> same, I switch from Noto serif to new century schoolbook.
> John 
Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse          / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421                  /
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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Description: Adobe PDF document

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Description: Adobe PDF document

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Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: test.5.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: test.7.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: test.8.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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