Am Montag, den 13.05.2019, 14:09 +0200 schrieb Dr Eberhard Lisse:
> Hi,
> I have run
>       tex2lyx -c scrartcl -m enumitem -f mwe.tex
> and get the enclosed
>       mwe.lyx
> where I have manually removed the ERT (see below) from the line with
> "item 1" and right clicked that and the line with "item 2" to be
> proper
> Enumerate-Resume which produces the enclosed
>       mwe.pdf
> While the PDF is correctly numbered I would rather prefer not to have
> the ERT in the LyX file, as left in the one with "item 3".
> Is this known? 


> Would that be a bug? 

It's basically

It's fixed in 2.4.x. It might get backported to 2.3.4 (but not 2.3.3).


> Can something be done about it? Other than regex'ing it in Perl.
> greetings, el

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