On 2019-05-06, Bob Alvarez wrote: > [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]
> Guenter and Joel > I appreciate your help but I am coming to the conclusion that the pdf > file format is not well enough defined to be able to reliably embed > software listings that the reader can copy/paste into a file and then > be able to compile the results. I will have to continue as I have done > in the past to include a listing in the pdf but also to provide a link > to a supplementary online zip file with the source code in text files. > Bob > p.s. > Guenter, here are the answers to some of the questions in your response: >>Does it show up as hyphen or as question mark in the PDF? > It is displayed as a '-' in the pdf but copy and paste of the 3 characters in > the listing results in x?y with '?' being 3F hex according to my editor. OK this points to an encoding issue. >>Which fonts does your PDF use? > I do not know how to answer that question. How do I find out what fonts > it uses? In the "evince" PDF viewer, there is a menu entry "Properties" with a tab "Fonts". Something similar should be possible with other viewers, too. >>What is the result if your listing contains: ... > Here is what I get if I enter your list into the listing, create a pdf > then copy and paste the text in the listing. > 30 ! " # $ % & ' > 40 ( ) ? + , ? . / 0 1 > 50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; > 60 < = > ? @ A B C D E > 70 F G H I J K L M N O > 80 P Q R S T U V W X Y > 90 Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c > 100 d e f g h i j k l m > 110 n o p q r s t u v w > 120 x y z { | } ~ > 160 ½¢¿¤¥¦?¨ c ? > 170 > a ?¬ > R ?¯°±²³ > 180 ´µ¶· ¹ o ?¼½ > 190 ¾¾ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇ > 200 ÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑ > 210 ÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛ > 220 ÜÝÞÿàáâãäå > 230 æçèéêëìíîï > 240 ðñòóôõö÷øù > 250 úûüýþ¸ This looks not good: besides the "-", also "*" is mapped to "?". And non-ASCII is even worse. Is this with non-TeX fonts or with TeX fonts? Which output format? Günter