On 27.04.19 10:15, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
On 26.04.19 12:33, Pavel Sanda wrote:
On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 09:35:28AM +0200, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I am not sure about the procedure to download lyx 2.3.2 from
Should I first download qtbase5-dev (>=5.6.0) from Other Packages
related to lyx and what does
* build-depends
* build-depends-indep
mean? What else is recommended for downloading and is it done before
or after lyx download?
I thought that we already solved this?
Yes, Paul, you are right. But this is my problem: I am (unfortunately)
on LinuxMint (I used before Debian) and there all the entries in the
sources.list are commented out telling me to use the starter>mintupdate.
There is furthermore a folder sources.list.d which contains these lists:
lyx-devel-release-xenial.list openjdk-r-ppa-xenial.list
official-package-repositories.list rwky-graphicsmagick-xenial.list
official-source-repositories.list ubuntu-defaults.list
openjdk.list webupd8team-java-xenial.list
I would assume that I have to insert the proposed line
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main
in lyx-devel-release-xenial.list
which contains so far these two lines:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lyx-devel/release/ubuntu xenial main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lyx-devel/release/ubuntu xenial main
I would like to go back to Debian and install it but am afraid that I
might make things even worse, as it usually does if I change things.
I used
and did
sudo apt-get -t stretch-backports install lyx
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
lyx ist schon die neueste Version (2.3.2-1~xenial~ppa1).
0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 188 nicht
It tells me, that it is already the newest version.
But I was told to install lyx together with a newer qt version. How do I