On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 9:39 PM Paul A. Rubin <parubi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Suppose that I have created a new enumerate-like enumerate, say
> > xenumerate. How can I use it from inside LyX without recourse to ERT?
> >
> A couple of possibilities come to mind. If you want to use the new
> version exclusively (and not use good old "enumerate"), you could
> redefine the enumerate environment itself. Assuming you want xenumerate
> to coexist with enumerate, you can define a layout for it, either in the
> Local Layout portion of the document settings (if you only want it for
> one document) or in a module file installed in your local layouts directory.
> Guessing that you want the last one (i.e., add this along side regular
> enumerations and make it available to any document that wants it), I
> would suggest looking at /usr/share/lyx/layouts/stdlists.inc for
> inspiration. (That's the Linux path; on other OSes, your path may
> differ.) Look for the section that begins "Style Enumerate" and copy it
> to your local module file (which will also need the proper header
> stuff). Change the first line of the style to "Style Xenumerate" (or
> whatever), change the LatexName entry to "xenumerate", and see if
> anything else needs tweaking (quite possibly not).
> Help > Customization has lots of details about creating your own modules
> and paragraph styles. Note that you will have to expressly include the
> module in any document where you want to use the style. (You could hack
> stdlists.inc itself, but then you would need to repeat the hack any time
> an upgrade/reinstallation overwrote /usr/share/lyx/layouts.)

Thanks, Paul, for your very valuable help! I am going now to ponder
about your suggestions and choose the one that fits best my needs.


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