On 2019-04-26, UD Kap wrote: > I am sure I am doing something REALLY silly, but my Lyx (2.3.2, running > under Linux Mint-XFCE) refuses to show integrals, pi, etc. > Instead, it shows some other symbols (O with an accent for integral, > bold letter P for \pi, etc.).
Wrong font or wrong font encoding. > Latex works fine-- if I use ERT in Lyx > or Texworks without Lyx everything is correct, but not if I Insert an > equation into Lyx. Is this on screen or in the output? > Where did I screw up? Hard to tell without more info: * if it is on screen: what is your GUI font? * if it is in the output, give a minimal example (very samll lyx file that shows the problem). Also, try to export the example to LaTeX, look for differences between ERT and math-inset. Günter