Am 25.04.2019 um 22:14 schrieb jezZiFeR <>:
> Dear Stephan,
> with the tutorial it seems that I also do not get a SIGSEV in some cases, but 
> I also get it when I go via:
> file–export–export as…
> When I tried this for.html I also got this message: »Kann keinen LaTeX-Befehl 
> für das Zeichen '⌃' (Code-Punkt 0x2303) finden. 
> Einige Zeichen Ihres Dokuments sind mit der gewählten Kodierung 
> wahrscheinlich nicht darstellbar.
> Eine Änderung der Dokumentkodierung auf 'utf8' könnte helfen.«
> This means something like the is no LaTeX-command for »^« and it is suggested 
> to change the document’s coding to utf 8, which is not possible for the 
> tutorial-file.

Yes, this is a problem with the tutorial in LyX 2.3.2 and will be fixed in 

> Maybe it is interesting, that the dialogue of two different documents (mine & 
> German tutorial) produce different export-possibilities and the tutorial has 
> much more. I add two screenshots to make it clearer.

Hmmm, the export possibilities efficiently depend on the existing converters. 
The longer list doesn’t necessarily mean more possibilities… I don’t know 
off-hand how the lists are constructed and why they contain useless entries.

> Excuse me, what is the »sack trace«? Should I send you the details of the 

Yes, please.

Best regards,

> I will continue trying some more documents tomorrow.
> Thank you, all best
> Jess
> Am 25. Apr. 2019, 21:52 +0200 schrieb Stephan Witt <>:
>> Am 25.04.2019 um 18:56 schrieb jezZiFeR <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I try to export ePubs for a while now and it never worked in different 
>>> configurations. LyX was always freezing. In the moment I use OS 10.14.3, 
>>> Intel and LyX 2.3.2 with TeXLive 2018.
>>> When I do the following:
>>> + file – export as – DocBook (XML) and then try to save I get the follwing 
>>> error:
>>> »Keine Informationen vorhanden, um das Format DocBook (XML) zu exportieren.«
>>> In English this means something like »There is no information to export the 
>>> format DocBook (XML).
>>> + Now I click »cancel« and get a SIGSEV-signal, like every time.
>>> Does anybody have a hint what I could do? Would be very good to use XML, 
>>> maybe there is a workaround.
>>> Thanks, all best
>>> Jess
>> Hello Jess,
>> I’m on Mac OS 10.14.4 with LyX 2.3.2. I’m unable to export to DocBook too. 
>> But - at least with the Tutorial - I don’t get a crash on Cancel.
>> Can you send me the stack trace please and tell me if it happens with every 
>> LyX document or with some of your documents only?
>> Best regards,
>> Stephan
> <Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-25 um 22.04.41.png><Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-25 um 
> 22.04.20.png>

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