On 12.04.19 21:42, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 4/10/19 12:40 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
What to do with this error: File '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir. I tried to rename
the lyx file and run it again, but same error message. I renamed the
lyx_tmpdir but it wants it back... Help appreciated, Wolfgang
Error while exporting format: LaTeX (pdflatex)File
was not closed properly
The LyX temporary directory cannot, as far as I know, be renamed. You
can alter its parent directory (/tmp by default) in Tools >
Preferences... > Paths, but there is no reason I can see to do so.
The problem is not with the name of the temporary directory. What is
needed now is to figure out why the .tex file was not "properly"
closed. I do not see anything suspicious in the file name. Is there a
message in the LaTeX log, prior to the "not closed properly" bit, that
indicates a problem with compilation?
If this error repeats, you might try going to the temporary directory
and opening PBR-4thEdition-20170410-A.tex in a text editor (xed if you
are on Linux Mint). Assuming this is the main document, it should
begin with \documentclass... and end with \end{document}. You might be
able to find a problem (missing \end statement or something) in the
file that could help narrow the cause.
Paul, I am enclosing a minimal example showing the error(s) I am
incounting. I have 2 nomenclature, one is put into a note. If I dissolve
this note, I get the error.
Any idea what is going wrong? I have a few more nomenclature which stop
the tex output, but I did not see any common properties. I could provide
those, if wanted.