The only problem I can see in the malformed BIB file.

It does not load into BibDesk on the Mac.

The clean one does, and works perfectly with the LyX file.

If a BIB file can't be found, browse for it which has always worked for me.


On 14/03/2019 17:28, Daniel wrote:
> On 14/03/2019 16:03, Daniel wrote:
>> On 14/03/2019 15:28, Harold Mouras wrote:
>>> Dear Users, excuse if this is a silly question.  I have A LyX file
>>> and a .bib file (attached).  The bibliography option of the LyX
>>> document is set up on NatBib and the .bib file should be correct,
>>> but I cannot generate any bibliography.  Thank you very much for
>>> your help....  Best regards, Harold
>> It seems there is a bug in LyX when placing the bib file in the same
>> directory as the lyx file.  Then some strange dummy bibliography is
>> used instead.  Maybe these entries have been used for testing?
>> As a temporary workaround you can put your bibliography in a
>> subdirectory.  At least that worked for me.
>> Daniel
> This was only part of the problem.  Also, the bib file seems to be
> malformed.  There are backslashes all over the place and a stray } at
> the end.  Clean version attached.
> Daniel

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