On 07-Mar-19 11:20 AM, Baris Erkus wrote:


I would like to write a LyX layout file for a LaTeX class file that I wrote. My 
LaTeX class uses standard "article" class. The problem is my custom 
environments are not converted to the corresponding LaTeX code by LyX. Below is 
a MWE:

My Class file (myclassBE.cls) is as follows:

\ProvidesClass{myclassBE, article}[2019/03/01 Test LaTeX Class]

\LoadClass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\newenvironment{keywords}{{\bfseries KEYWORDS:} }{\vspace{1em}}

As can be seen, I have defined a custom environment: keywords. I have installed 
this file to my LaTeX system (Win10, MikTeX) successfully and tested with a 
very simple LaTeX file.

My layout file (myclassBE.layout) is:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[myclassBE]{My Test Class BE}
#  \DeclareCategory{Articles}

Format 66
Input stdclass.inc
Input numarticle.inc

# Input general definitions
Input article.layout

Style KeywordsBE
    Margin                Dynamic
    Category              FrontMatter
    LabelString           "KEYWORDS: "
    LabelType             Static
    LatexType             Enviroment
    LatexName             keywords
      Series              Bold
      Size                normalsize
      Color               green

LyX recognizes the new layout and the new "KeywordsBE" environment successfully:


But it does not generate the LaTeX code for the keywords environment:

% Preview source code

%% LyX 2.3.1-1 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.

%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.






Keyword1, Keyword2


Which should have used the following:

Keyword1, Keyword2

What am I missing?


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Answering my own question:

Missing "n" in the "LatexType Enviroment". Should have been  Environment. Also 
class definition should have been: ProvidesClass{myclassBE}.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

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