Dear lyxers,
a few days ago I reported this problem:
I am writing a linguistic document using Miede's
classicthesis-LyX2.3-v4.6 in openSuse Leap 15; Qt Version 5.9.4
Adding Linguistic Trees fails e. g. as shown in the attachment.
I get tons of Error messages of the kind:
Package xcolor Error: undefined color 'Maroon' and
'RoyalBlue' / 'Black' / 'CTlink'
Description: \definecolor{CTurl}{named}{Maroon}
PDF output is possible but not usable because somewhat incomplete and
without colors.
Some list members came up with proposals and good advice (sorry for
misplacing your names). However, when nothing at all worked I deleted my
installed Classicthesis and then downloaded and installed
Classicthesis-LyX2.3-v4.6 completely new. Then I added a simple
linguistic tree trusting that everything would be ok now. But nothing
had changed - I got exactly the same errors as above reported.
Meanwhile I had invested almost one week on trying to solve the problem
and decided to return to my Mageia6 which I had left because it up to
now provides the older version classicthesis-LyX-v4.2_biblatex_bibtex8
only. However, it now strikes my mind that Mageia's developers may have
their good reasons?!
Thank you once more for trying to help and cheers!
Michael Berger