On 2019-02-15 15:07, Romano Rupp wrote:
I haven't any clue why but most probably due to pressing occasionally the wrong key, the script on my screen became smaller and smaller over time. I always fixed that by tools-> settings>magnification. But now I am at 999% and nothing works anymore. I have no idea how to get larger readable scripts. Who can help me?
With things that seem bug like, it is always good to know what version of LyX, e.g. the latest 2.3.2, and what operating system you use, e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows 7/8/10.
With the latest version of LyX, it seems strange that setting the zoom level in the settings by itself would ever have helped since the current zoom level is not affected by this rather it sets the default zoom level.
You can try to set the current zoom level to the default by pressing Alt+0. Notice there is no shortcut for this currently on macOS (will probably be fixed in the next version, see https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/10455#comment:47). There you have to press ctrl+x and enter "buffer-zoom" (without the quotation marks).