On 2019-01-28 19:50, Baris Erkus wrote:
  It does compiling, but the replacement did not work.

I think, the \AtBeginDocument{...}  macro places the contents right after the \begin{document}, but not in the preamble. However, the \DefineBibliographyStrings{...} and similar BibLaTeX commands are placed in the preamble according to Section 3.9 of BibLaTeX manual. Maybe this is the reason it does not do the replacement (?).

I have also tried to compile a LaTeX file where I place this block to the beginning of the document right after \begin{document} and it gives error that this has to be placed in the preamble (no LyX involved).

I further tested the case on LaTeX again, where the above block wrapped with \AtBeginDocument{...} in the preamble, but before loading biblatex; it compiles, but it does not do the replacement (no LyX involved).

So, is there a workaround for this in LyX, am I missing smtg?

(TBH, this was not my original problem. I was trying to use BibLaTeX for a Turkish document, only to find out BibLaTeX does not have Turkish support yet :< )

If I read the documentations for \AtBeginDocument correctly, it places the macro just before \begin{document}. Is your .tex test file working as expected when you move your macro manually to whatever position you think it should be moved? If not then the problem might be the macro rather than LyX.


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