I found out I can start the action I want with "lyx -x reconfigure"; however, GUI is triggered at the end.
Already tried "lyx -batch -x reconfigure" but lyx ask for an input file, which I consider should not happen; I’m considering a bug report. Regards, *Daniel Gómez Martínez | Profesional en ingeniería eléctrica* *Universidad Nacional de Colombia* *Automatización industrial, ingeniería de patentes, instalaciones eléctricas.* *Sistemas de potencia, control de sistemas.* Tel: (+57) *312 824 8697 <3044313476>* El mar., 15 ene. 2019 a las 9:42, Daniel Gómez Martínez (< dangome...@gmail.com>) escribió: > Hello everyone, > > I was wondering if there's a way to execute Tools>Reconfigure without GUI > (i.e. from the terminal) in Linux. > > Thanks in advance, > > > *Daniel Gómez Martínez* > * <3044313476>* >