Am Samstag, den 29.12.2018, 21:09 -0300 schrieb Sergio Celani:
> Dear Lyx users
> I have the following problem with the latest version of Lyx in
> Windows 10.
> I open a document with several references. When you click on the icon
> to insert a cite in the document, the window opens but no cite
> appears. Although several references are included in the document.
> This does not happen with version 2.3.1
> Attached two screenshots. In the first one corresponds to Lyx 2.3.2
> (with the problem) The second one is in Lyx 2.3.1.
> The problem occurs with all the documents that I have tried

I am afraid this is a bug. Citing from the bibliography environment
seems to be broken in 2.3.2 (I am currently investigating). I am
surprised nobody noticed this before.

The only advice I gan give you now is to downgrade to LyX 2.3.1.


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