Am Mittwoch, den 26.12.2018, 15:57 +0100 schrieb Michael Berger:
> Dear Jürgen, dear list,
> I am using Miede's classicthesis in Lyx 2.3.0.
> Thanks for implementing this fantastic feature to expand linguistic 
> trees directly in LyX without the need to change to PDF first. This
> is 
> extremely useful when working in large documents.
> Miede's classicthesis is using the master and children structure.
> I found this feature working well in the master only but not at all
> in 
> any of the child documents.
> I experimented around but always ended up with the same result.

Does it work if you activate the linguistics module in the child

> Thanks and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all of you!

Likewise, Michael.


> Michael Berger

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