On 24/11/2018 22:05, paolo m. wrote:
As i change a lyx file name (say test1.lyx ) with a new name (say
test2.lyx) , by the command 'file -> save as', the new file created has
the usual access mode, but, when saved, its mode change so that is
inaccessible to groups and to the world.
That does not happen when test1.lyx is opened by a text editor, e.g.
kate, then saved with a new name (say test3.lyx)
Here is the result:
% ll *lyx
pol pol test3.lyx 1745 21:54 -rw-rw-r--
pol pol test2.lyx 1746 21:53 -rw-------
pol pol test1.lyx 1745 21:52 -rw-rw-r--
Any ideas?
thank you
paolo m.
Any chance these file access privilege changes are the cause of LyX
telling me that all the time that my file has been changed in the
background when working with a file in SpiderOak?