On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 00:36:13 +0200
Dr Eberhard Lisse <nos...@lisse.na> wrote:

> Steve,
> I fundamentally disagree about the relevance.
> LyX is a front end for LaTeX, not a document format. And it is a
> FANTASTIC front end, which can be twsited to do a lot of things :-)-O

Sure, but LaTeX isn't the only game in town the way it was 10 years ago
(unless you took Docbook seriously a decade ago). Most new books are
ePubs or derivative mobis or whatever.

> pandoc can produce an epub from (reasonable) LaTeX (exported from
> LyX), which kindlegen can translate into mobi.

Yeah. I've had hundreds of people recommend pandoc and XSLT and the
like. Have *you* ever successfully used pandoc to create HTML or ePub
or mobi formatted to your desires? If you have, you're one in five
hundred. Everyone recommends Pandoc, but finding people who have used
it is like finding a needle in a haystack, and when you find such
people and ask them how to do the conversion, they point you to
Internet sites with procedures that make installing Gentoo or Arch a one
click process.

By the way, same thing goes for Asciidoc, Asciidoctor, Markdown, and
Multimarkdown. Evvverybody recommends it, but few have used it to make
books in which the author declares and uses styles.

> For LaTeX there is lwarp at
>       https://ctan.org/pkg/lwarp
> which also looks interesting.

I wish I had a dime for every hour I spent, on solutions to this
problems, that "look interesting". 99% of them turn out to be
converters whose first step is to convert your styles into appearance,
guaranteeing garbaged up output.

> XML would be a great step, and not only for epub. But that would be a
> fundamental change, and who's going to do it?

And that's where the rubber meets the road. Look back to the thread,
starting on 7/22/2008, subject "Progress on the MS Word to LyX
conversion". In that thread, against my warnings, by the way, several
top Lyx developers promised an XML native format for LyX 1.7x. Not
pidgeon XML. Not almost XML. Not halfassed XML. They promised XML. With
a DTD, no less.

Now my position was that XML is much harder to parse with Unix core
utilities, so I was against it. But at least I figured that if it went
XML, I could find an XML parser to do what I had been doing. With much
more difficulty. But doable. 

But they went only half way, harming the inherent coreutils parsability
without enabling the file to be processed by an XML parser.

If memory serves me, 1.6 already had some XML-ish changes to the native
format, I don't remember a 1.7, and 2.0 introduced the pidgeon XML we
know today. Over 7 years have elapsed since 2.0's introduction, over a
decade has elapsed since it was decided to have a well formed XML
native format validated with a DTD.

Retina display and iOS and all this Apple compatibility is nice, but
I'll repeat, it's not 2008 and PDF is no longer the only game in town,
and I think priority should be placed on finishing what was started in
July of 2008.


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