Is it possible to activate a LyX branch from the command line while exporting to a PDF file?

The documentation [1] says that the following command should work, but it does not in my tests.

lyx -x "command-sequence branch-activate b1" -E pdf2 outfile.pdf infile.lyx

A PDF is exported but the branch "b1" is not activated.

I asked in this TeX.StackExchange question [2, minimal LyX file attached] if there are other ways to export a specific branch and the only answer I got works only partially.

The user scottkosty suggested

lyx -x "command-sequence branch-activate b1; buffer-export pdf2 outfile.pdf; undo; lyx-quit" infile.lyx

This solution kind of works, but the `lyx-quit` command at the end reports an error because it is executed before the export has finished.

My questions to you:

* How come the command in the documentation does not work?
* Is it possible to tell the `lyx-quit` command to wait until the file has been exported? Or is there a `sleep` command in LyX? * Is there a better way to export a particular branch to a PDF file from the command line with no human interaction?



Gioele Barabucci <>

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