On Sat, 28 Jul 2018, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:
I am working on a new book and suddenly I have started to meet a problem with the graphics that are included in the document : when I pdflatex the doc, I get a lot of error messages all concerning the options set in the \includegraphics instructions. If I fo not scale the graph, it prints (with the original size of course), and if I set a scale option, I get scale=0.8 instead of the pdf graphic. (see the capture of the output window). I also include some other captures about the options of the document and the figure. I do not remember having changes anything, but I probably have, and I cannot locate my stupid error.
Murat, This looks a lot like a problem I had a year or so ago. Paul Rubin helped find the reason for this. As I recall, my issue was caused by checking the 'clip to bounding box' checkbox on the settings -> clipping tab. That was a lyx issue that was fixed, and it may not be your issue. However, it's worth a try. HTH, Rich