2018-06-05 11:18 GMT+02:00:

> Please post a minimal example file.
> Jürgen
> After solving the UTF8-ptroblems, you´ll find attached now the minimal
> example. This bibliography-problem still remains.

As written above, you need to load the apager package in the preamble:


Note, though, that apager builds on a rather old version of apacite (the
English original), which does not work with natbib yet, so you need to use
"BibTeX (plain)" and ERT for citation commands.

Recent versions of apacite support both natbib and German, the latter
though only if the document main language is German. Your example file has
English as document language. If you still want German bibliography
strings, you can manually load the German language definition file of

% Use German for Bibliography even in non-German documents


Furthermore, you need either in your layout file or in local layouts:

Provides natbib 1

Since apacite loads natbib internally.

See attached modified example.


> Best
> Andreas

Attachment: BV_Test_180604.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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