On 23.05.2018 18:36, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 23.05.2018, 13:52 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:
Hello dear Lyxers,

after upgrading LyX to version 2.2.3 opening and editing
papers made with earlier versions of LyX does work.
Conversion to PDF of each single child document works as well. But
trying to generate a PDF from the master document results in an

Any hint as to what could be the cause?
Hard to say without a MWE.

Thanks Jürgen,
I removed all child documents and stripped the master file to a minimum. I left two of the original glosses, added a single line of text and a new gloss.
The same type of error is still shown, apparently 5 times for each gloss.
The complete master has far above 100 glosses and accordingly high was the number of error messages of the type: Class Scrreport undefined old font command '\it'

 Hopefully you can open and use the four attached files!?

Thanks and cheers,

Attachment: stripped_ClaMaTheMike.lyx
Description: application/lyx

% ****************************************************************************************************
% classicthesis-config.tex
% formerly known as loadpackages.sty, classicthesis-ldpkg.sty, and classicthesis-preamble.sty
% Use it at the beginning of your ClassicThesis.tex, or as a LaTeX Preamble
% in your ClassicThesis.{tex,lyx} with \input{classicthesis-config}
% ****************************************************************************************************
% If you like the classicthesis, then I would appreciate a postcard.
% My address can be found in the file ClassicThesis.pdf. A collection
% of the postcards I received so far is available online at
% http://postcards.miede.de
% ****************************************************************************************************

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 1. Configure classicthesis for your needs here, e.g., remove "drafting" below
% in order to deactivate the time-stamp on the pages
% ****************************************************************************************************
% ********************************************************************
% Available options for classicthesis.sty
% (see ClassicThesis.pdf for more information):
% drafting
% parts nochapters linedheaders
% eulerchapternumbers beramono eulermath pdfspacing minionprospacing
% tocaligned dottedtoc manychapters
% listings floatperchapter subfig
% ********************************************************************

% ********************************************************************
% Triggers for this config
% ********************************************************************
\newboolean{enable-backrefs} % enable backrefs in the bibliography
\setboolean{enable-backrefs}{true} % true false
% ****************************************************************************************************

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 2. Personal data and user ad-hoc commands
% ****************************************************************************************************
\newcommand{\myTitle}{Mood and Modality in Non-root Clauses\xspace}
\newcommand{\mySubtitle}{A Small Typological Investigation\xspace}
\newcommand{\myDegree}{Master of Arts Linguistic\xspace}
\newcommand{\myName}{Mike Berger\xspace}
\newcommand{\myProf}{Prof. Dr. Barbara Stiebels\xspace}
\newcommand{\myOtherProf}{Dr. Sandhya Sundaresan\xspace}
\newcommand{\mySupervisor}{Dipl. Ing. Michael Berger\xspace}
\newcommand{\myFaculty}{Institut f{\"u}r Linguistik\xspace}
\newcommand{\myUni}{Universit{\"a}t Leipzig\xspace}
\newcommand{\myTime}{Dezember 2016\xspace}
\newcommand{\myVersion}{Berger, Mike - Master Thesis Linguistics}

% ********************************************************************
% Setup, finetuning, and useful commands
% ********************************************************************
\newcounter{dummy} % necessary for correct hyperlinks (to index, bib, etc.)
\newlength{\abcd} % for ab..z string length calculation
% ****************************************************************************************************

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 3. Loading some handy packages
% ****************************************************************************************************
% ********************************************************************
% Packages with options that might require adjustments
% ********************************************************************
\PassOptionsToPackage{latin9}{inputenc}	% latin9 (ISO-8859-9) = latin1+"Euro sign"

%\PassOptionsToPackage{ngerman,american}{babel}   % change this to your language(s)
% Spanish languages need extra options in order to work with this template

%\PassOptionsToPackage{fleqn}{amsmath}		% math environments and more by the AMS
 %\usepackage{amsmath} % I removed this two lines to get underbar work in ClaMaTheMike_exercise.lyx children AND Master

% ********************************************************************
% General useful packages
% ********************************************************************
\PassOptionsToPackage{T1}{fontenc} % T2A for cyrillics
\usepackage{textcomp} % fix warning with missing font shapes
\usepackage{scrhack} % fix warnings when using KOMA with listings package          
\usepackage{xspace} % to get the spacing after macros right
\usepackage{mparhack} % get marginpar right
\usepackage{fixltx2e} % its original place here,place before amsmath acc. to Philip Pirr ?
	\usepackage{acronym} % nice macros for handling all acronyms in the thesis
%\renewcommand*{\acsfont}[1]{\textssc{#1}} % for MinionPro
\renewcommand{\bflabel}[1]{{#1}\hfill} % fix the list of acronyms
% ****************************************************************************************************

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 4. Setup floats: tables, (sub)figures, and captions
% ****************************************************************************************************
\usepackage{tabularx} % better tables
	\setlength{\extrarowheight}{3pt} % increase table row height
\newcommand{\myfloatalign}{\centering} % to be used with each float for alignment
% ****************************************************************************************************

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 5. Setup code listings
% ****************************************************************************************************
%\lstset{emph={trueIndex,root},emphstyle=\color{BlueViolet}}%\underbar} % for special keywords
% ****************************************************************************************************

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 6. PDFLaTeX, hyperreferences and citation backreferences
% ****************************************************************************************************
% ********************************************************************
% Using PDFLaTeX
% ********************************************************************
	\usepackage{hyperref}  % backref linktocpage pagebackref

% ********************************************************************
% Setup the style of the backrefs from the bibliography
% (translate the options to any language you use)
% ********************************************************************
\newcommand{\backrefnotcitedstring}{\relax}%(Not cited.)
\newcommand{\backrefcitedsinglestring}[1]{(Cited on page~#1.)}
\newcommand{\backrefcitedmultistring}[1]{(Cited on pages~#1.)}
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		   \renewcommand{\backreftwosep}{ and~} % separate 2 pages
		   \renewcommand{\backreflastsep}{, and~} % separate last of longer list
		   \renewcommand*{\backref}[1]{}  % disable standard
		   \renewcommand*{\backrefalt}[4]{% detailed backref
		      \ifcase #1 %

% ********************************************************************
% Hyperreferences
% ********************************************************************
    %draft,	% = no hyperlinking at all (useful in b/w printouts)
    colorlinks=true, linktocpage=true, pdfstartpage=3, pdfstartview=FitV,%
    % uncomment the following line if you want to have black links (e.g., for printing)
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    pdfauthor={\textcopyright\ \myName, \myUni, \myFaculty},%
    pdfproducer={LaTeX with hyperref and classicthesis}%

% ********************************************************************
% Setup autoreferences
% ********************************************************************
% There are some issues regarding autorefnames
% http://www.ureader.de/msg/136221647.aspx
% http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=latexwords
% you have to redefine the makros for the
% language you use, e.g., american, ngerman
% (as chosen when loading babel/AtBeginDocument)
% ********************************************************************
			% Fix to getting autorefs for subfigures right (thanks to Belinda Vogt for changing the definition)

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 7. Last calls before the bar closes
% ****************************************************************************************************
% ********************************************************************
% Development Stuff
% ********************************************************************
%	\usepackage{nag}
%\PassOptionsToPackage{warning, all}{onlyamsmath}
%	\usepackage{onlyamsmath}

% ********************************************************************
% Last, but not least...
% ********************************************************************
\usepackage{multicol}%enable multicolomn text
% ****************************************************************************************************

% ****************************************************************************************************
% 8. Further adjustments (experimental)
% ****************************************************************************************************
% ********************************************************************
% Changing the text area
% ********************************************************************
%\linespread{1.05} % a bit more for Palatino
\areaset[current]{390pt}{780pt} % 686 (factor 2.2) + 33 head + 42 head \the\footskip%mb39 changed that from 312 to 390 pt, and also from 761 to 780 pt

% ********************************************************************
% Using different fonts
% ********************************************************************
%\usepackage[oldstylenums]{kpfonts} % oldstyle notextcomp
%\usepackage{hfoldsty} % Computer Modern with osf
%\usepackage{lmodern} % <-- no osf support :-(
%\usepackage[urw-garamond]{mathdesign} <-- no osf support :-(
% ****************************************************************************************************
% ********************************************************************
% classicthesis.sty
% Copyright (C) 2012 Andr\'e Miede http://www.miede.de
% If you like the style then I would appreciate a postcard. My address 
% can be found in the file ClassicThesis.pdf. A collection of the 
% postcards I received so far is available online at 
% http://postcards.miede.de
% License:
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
% ********************************************************************  
% Important:
% This style can also be used without the thesis template.
% It works with both LaTeX and PDFLaTeX now. XeLaTeX should also work.
% * You must not use "u etc. in strings/commands that will be spaced out 
%   (use \"u or real umlauts instead)
% * There is a problem with the case of math text in part-,
%   chapter-, and section titles (either the case or the spacing breaks). 
%   => this can be fixed by using pdftex 1.40 or later and enabling the
%      option pdfspacing of this package
% ********************************************************************  
\ProvidesPackage{classicthesis}[2012/08/12 v4.1 Typographic style for a classic-looking thesis]
    \newboolean{@tocaligned} % the left column of the toc will be aligned (no indention)
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    \newboolean{@drafting} % print version information on pages
    \newboolean{@linedheaders} % chaper headers will have line above and beneath
    \newboolean{@listsseparated} % toggles the vertical space between lof/lot entries of different chapters
    \newboolean{@nochapters} % disable all chapter-specific commands 
    \newboolean{@beramono} % toggle nice monospaced font (w/ bold) + pre-installed 
    \newboolean{@eulermath} % use awesome Euler fonts for math
    \newboolean{@parts} % use part division for the text
    \newboolean{@minionpro} % setup for minion pro font
    \newboolean{@minionprospacing} % use minion pro's textssc for letter spacing
    \newboolean{@pdfspacing} % use pdftex for letterspacing (via microtype)
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    \newboolean{@a5paper} % use those tiny DIN A5 pages
    \newboolean{@dottedtoc} % page numbers in ToC flushed right
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	\newboolean{@manychapters} % additional space in ToC after chapter number (if two digits are needed)
	\newboolean{@floatperchapter} % numbering per chapter for all floats (i.e., Figure 1.1)
% ********************************************************************
% Options
% ******************************************************************** 
    \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Package "subfigure" and option "subfigure" are deprecated, used "subfig" instead.}

% subfig-related stuff
     \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Package "subfigure" and option "subfigure" are deprecated, %
                                            use "subfig" instead.}

% listings-related stuff

% fine-tuning if we use minionprospacing
        \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{Using option "minionprospacing". %
            This activates "minionpro" in general and turns off %
            the option "pdfspacing".}%
        % is the user trying to use pdfspacing at the same time?    
            {% both minionprospacing and pdfspacing are active
                \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{You cannot use "pdfspacing" at the same time %
                    as "minionprospacing"!}%

% fine-tuning if we do not use chapters
        % is the user trying to use parts at the same time?
            {% both parts and nochapters are active
                \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{You cannot use "parts" at the same time %
                    as "nochapters"!}%
        % is the user trying to use manychapters at the same time?
            {% both manychapters and nochapters are active
                \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{You cannot use "manychapters" at the same time %
                    as "nochapters"!}%
         % is the user trying to use floatperchapter at the same time?
            {% both manychapters and nochapters are active
                \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{You cannot use "floatperchapter" at the same time %
                    as "nochapters"!}%
        % turn off some things if we do not use chapters
        \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{Using option "nochapters" (probably for an article). %
                This turns off the options "linedheaders", "manychapters", "floatperchapter",%
                "listsseparated", "eulerchapternumbers", and "parts". Please be aware of that.}

% ********************************************************************                
% PDF and XeLaTeX Stuff
% ********************************************************************
\ifpdf\RequirePackage{hyperref}\fi % for texorpdfstring command below

% Necessary to rewrite hacks for chapters and parts and toc
\ifxetex\RequirePackage{hyperref}\fi % for texorpdfstring command below

% pdfspacing does not work with XeLaTeX
	    {% pdfspacing is used with XeLaTeX
	        \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{You cannot use the option %
	        "pdfspacing" with XeLaTeX!}%

% ********************************************************************                
% Colors
% ********************************************************************
	\RequirePackage{xcolor} % [dvipsnames] 
\definecolor{halfgray}{gray}{0.55} % chapter numbers will be semi transparent .5 .55 .6 .0
%\definecolor{Maroon}{cmyk}{0, 0.87, 0.68, 0.32}
%\definecolor{RoyalBlue}{cmyk}{1, 0.50, 0, 0}
%\definecolor{Black}{cmyk}{0, 0, 0, 0}

% ********************************************************************
% Font Stuff
% ********************************************************************   
% specialists: MinionPro
    		% in order have Euler math fonts work with Minion, special option is needed
        	\RequirePackage{MinionPro} %  opticals, fullfamily, osf
        	\RequirePackage{MinionPro} %  opticals, fullfamily, osf
        % default: Palatino
        \RequirePackage{mathpazo} % Palatino with real small caps and old style figures
        \linespread{1.05} % a bit more for Palatino

    	% put your own suitable typewriter font here
     \RequirePackage{eulervm}} % Euler math fonts

\ifthenelse{\boolean{@eulerchapternumbers}}% font for the chapter numbers
    {\newfont{\chapterNumber}{eurb10 scaled 3500}}%mb39 changed this from 7000 to 3500
    {\newfont{\chapterNumber}{pplr9d scaled 7000}}          
    % Euler eurb10 / Palatino OSF pplr9d / Palatino SC pplrc9d
    % Latin Modern cork-lmr10 / Minion MinionPro-Regular-osf-t1
    % (MinionPro-SemiboldCapt-osf-t1 MinionPro-SemiboldDisp-osf-t1)

\RequirePackage{microtype} % character protruding and other micro-typography stuff
% [expansion=false]

% ********************************************************************
% Textblock size
    {% A5
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	        \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{A5 paper, MinionPro}%
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	        \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{A4 paper, Palatino or other}
	        \areaset[current]{336pt}{750pt} % ~ 336 * factor 2 + 33 head + 42 \the\footskip 
%   	     \areaset{336pt}{761pt} % 686 (factor 2.2) + 33 head + 42 head \the\footskip 10pt     
% Here are some suggestions for the text widths and heights:
% Palatino 	10pt: 288--312pt | 609--657pt
% Palatino 	11pt: 312--336pt | 657--705pt
% Palatino 	12pt: 360--384pt | 768pt
% Minion 	  10pt: 264--288pt | 561--609pt
% Minion 	  11pt: 288--312pt | 609--657pt
% Minion 	  12pt: 336pt      | 672pt
% Libertine 10pt:
% Libertine 11pt:
% Libertine 12pt:
% kpfonts 10pt:
% kpfonts 11pt:
% kpfonts 12pt:

% ********************************************************************
% Own Stuff
% ********************************************************************
% Disable single lines at the start of a paragraph (Schusterjungen)
\clubpenalty = 10000
% Disable single lines at the end of a paragraph (Hurenkinder)
\widowpenalty = 10000 
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000 % formulas

% Graffiti as in GKP's book "Concrete Mathematics"
% thanks to Lorenzo Pantieri and Enrico Gregorio
   \parindent=0pt \lineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt %
   \tolerance=2000 \hyphenpenalty=300 \exhyphenpenalty=300%
% [\graffito@setup\raggedleft\hspace{0pt}{#1}]%
% {\graffito@setup\raggedright\hspace{0pt}{#1}}}
% Enumeration environment with small caps

% ********************************************************************
% Fancy Stuff
% ********************************************************************  
\RequirePackage{booktabs} % for better rules in tables
\RequirePackage{textcase} % for \MakeTextUppercase

        \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{Using MinionPro's textssc for character spacing.}%
            \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{Using pdftex/microtype for character spacing.%
                                        Make sure your pdftex is version 1.40 or higher.}%
            \RequirePackage{soul} % for letterspacing 

% ********************************************************************                
% headlines
% ********************************************************************  
	\RequirePackage{scrpage2} % provides headers and footers (KOMA Script)
%    \DeclareRobustCommand{\fixBothHeadlines}[2]{} % <--- ToDo
    % hack to get the content headlines right (thanks, Lorenzo!)
% ********************************************************************
% layout of the chapter-, section-, subsection-, subsubsection-,
% paragraph and description-headings
% ********************************************************************             
		% parts
%		\newcommand{\ctparttext}{\relax}
		\newcommand{\ct@parttext}{\relax} % Thanks to Ivo
		\newcommand{\ctparttext}[1]{\renewcommand{\ct@parttext}{#1 \relax}} 
    % chapters
    {% lines above and below, number right
        {\relax}{\raggedleft{\color{halfgray}\chapterNumber\thechapter} \\ }{0pt}%
    }{% something like Bringhurst  
    % sections \FloatBarrier
    % subsections
    % subsubsections
    % paragraphs
    % descriptionlabels
        \renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\hspace*{\labelsep}\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}}   % spacedlowsmallcaps textit textsc                  
    % spacing

% ********************************************************************                
% layout of the TOC, LOF and LOT (LOL-workaround see next section)
% ********************************************************************
    % avoid page numbers being right-aligned in fixed-size box              
    \settowidth{\newnumberwidth}{999} % yields overfull hbox warnings for pages > 999
    % have the bib neatly positioned after the rest
    % space for more than nine chapters
    \settowidth{\newchnumberwidth}{.} % <--- tweak here if more space required
    \ifthenelse{\boolean{@manychapters}}% <--- many chapters option
    % pagenumbers right after the titles
    % parts
      \renewcommand{\cftpartpresnum}{\scshape}%  \MakeTextLowercase
%      \renewcommand{\cftpartaftersnum}{\cftchapaftersnum}%
%      \renewcommand{\cftpartaftersnumb}{\quad}%
%      \setlength{\cftpartnumwidth}{\cftpartnumwidth}
    % chapters
    % sections
    % subsections
    % subsubsections
    % figures     
    % tables
    % listings

    % dirty work-around to get the spacing after the toc/lot/lof-titles right    
    % another dirty work-around to get the spaced low small caps into the toc ;-(
%% use modified \chapter (thanks to Hinrich Harms)
		\ifxetex % thanks to Joerg Weber
    % yet another dirty work-around to get the spaced low small caps into the toc ;-(
%% use modified \part (thanks to Hinrich Harms)
	                 \oldpart[\texorpdfstring{\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}}{#1}]{#2}% spacedallcaps spacedlowsmallcaps
%	         	 \renewcommand{\ct@parttext}{\relax}% Thanks to Ivo!
				\ifxetex% thanks to Joerg Weber
	                     \oldpart[\texorpdfstring{\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}}{#1}]{#2}% spacedallcaps spacedlowsmallcaps
    \newcommand{\tocEntry}[1]{% for bib, etc.
		\ifxetex% thanks to Joerg Weber
			\renewcommand{\tocEntry}[1]{% for bib, etc.
    } \fi
%    % remove the vertical space between lof/lot entries of different chapters
		 \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Option "listsseparated" deprecated as of version 2.9.}%
%    \ifthenelse{\boolean{@listsseparated}}{%
%        \AtBeginDocument{%
%            \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\vspace{-\cftbeforechapskip}}%
%            \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\vspace{-\cftbeforechapskip}}%
%            \ifthenelse{\boolean{@listings}}%        
%    				{%
%             	\addtocontents{lol}{\protect\vspace{-\cftbeforechapskip}}%
%            }{\relax}%
%        }%
%    }{%
%    } 
% ********************************************************************
% footnotes setup   
% ********************************************************************   
  % KOMA-command, footnotemark not superscripted at the bottom
  \message{Using KOMA-command "deffootnote" for footnote setup}%
  	\PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Using package "footmisc" with option %
  		"flushmargin" for footnote setup (not 100\% the same as with KOMA)}% 
% ********************************************************************
% Drafting Stuff
% ********************************************************************
\RequirePackage{scrtime} % time access
\providecommand{\myVersion}{$\!\!$} % w/o classicthesis-config.tex
%    \RequirePackage{draftwatermark}%
%    	\SetWatermarkLightness{0.9}
%			\SetWatermarkScale{.5}
%			\SetWatermarkText{\today\ at \thistime}
        \renewcommand{\PrelimText}{\footnotesize[\,\today\ at \thistime\ -- \texttt{classicthesis}~\myVersion\,]}
}{\renewcommand{\finalVersionString}{\emph{Final Version} as of \today\ (\texttt{classicthesis}~\myVersion).}}    

% ********************************************************************
% Caption numbering now w/o chapter number
% ********************************************************************
		\lstset{numberbychapter=true}}{\relax}% numberbychapter works in listings>=1.4
            \@removefromreset{table}{chapter}  % requires remreset package
            \@removefromreset{figure}{chapter}  % requires remreset package
            \@removefromreset{equation}{chapter}  % requires remreset package

% ********************************************************************
% Backward-compatibility
% ******************************************************************** 
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[scrreprt]{classicthesis}

# ClassicThesis v3.0 textclass definition file for LyX > 1.6.6
# Ivo Pletikosic 2011/5/31

# Please do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing.
# At least make backup copies of all your project files!

Format 11

DefaultStyle            Standard

% Classic Thesis Style loader

# predefined class options (the class is scrreprt from KOMA Script), all can be 
  PageStyle     ""
  FontSize      ""

# use Latin Modern sans serif, (currently, there's no mention of sans serif 
fonts in classicthesis.sty)
% use Latin Modern instead of Computer Modern sans serif

SecNumDepth             3
TocDepth                2

########################### (mostly) copying from srcclass.inc 

Style Standard
        LatexName             dummy
        ParIndent             MM
        ParSkip               0.4
        AlignPossible         Block, Left, Right, Center

Input stdinsets.inc
Input stdlists.inc
Input stdcounters.inc
Input stdfloats.inc

Input stdsections.inc
Input stdstarsections.inc
#NoStyle Paragraph
NoStyle Paragraph*
NoStyle Subparagraph
NoStyle Subparagraph*

#Input stdtitle.inc     ### ClassicThesis uses its own stuff

Input stdstruct.inc
NoStyle Abstract

Input stdlayouts.inc
NoStyle Verse

#Input lyxmacros.inc

Input numreport.inc

Style Bibliography
        TopSep          4
        BottomSep       2
        LabelString     "Bibliography"
          Series        Bold
          Size          Largest

NoStyle Labeling

########################### stuff specific to ClassicThesis style 

############## character styles, access through /Edit/Text Style/ or 
/right-click/Text Style/

InsetLayout "CT - Spaced All Caps"
        LyxType         charstyle
        LabelString     "CT - Spaced All Caps"

        LatexType       command
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#       PassThru        true
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InsetLayout "CT - Spaced Low Small Caps"
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#       PassThru        true
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          Size          small

# table headline centered and in spaced small caps
InsetLayout "CT - Table Headline"
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        LabelString     "CT - Table Headline"
        LatexType       command
        LatexName       tableheadline
        Decoration      Conglomerate
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          Shape         SmallCaps

############## insets, access through /Insert/Custom Insets/

# acronyms, defined in Contents.lyx
InsetLayout "CT - acronym"
        LyxType         custom
        LabelString     "CT - acronym"
        LatexType       command
        LatexName       ac
        PassThru        true
        MultiPar        false
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        ForcePlain      true
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        ContentAsLabel  true

# autoreferences, labels are input manually
InsetLayout "CT - auto cross-reference"
        LyxType         custom
        LabelString     "CT - autoreference"
        LatexType       command
        LatexName       autoref
        PassThru        true
        CustomPars      false
        Decoration      Classic
        ContentAsLabel  true

# group multi-word description labels
InsetLayout "CT - Description Label"
        LyxType         custom
        LabelString     "CT - Description Label"
          Series Bold

############## paragraph styles, access through /Standard LyX Toolbar/

Style Part
        TopSep          1
        BottomSep       1

Style "Part Introduction (ClassicThesis)"
        Category        Section
        LabelType       Centered_Top_Environment
        LabelString     "CT - Introduction to the following part"
        EndLabeltype    Filled_Box
        LatexType       Command
        LatexName       ctparttext
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        AlignPossible   Block
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Counter AEnumi
        LabelString     "\Alph{AEnumi}."

Style "aEnumerate (ClassicThesis)"
        CopyStyle       Enumerate
        LatexName       aenumerate
        LabelCounter    "AEnum"

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