
I am currently experimenting with getting the demographic data of my
patients out of my practice software during each consultation in order
to prefill my letters, prescriptions, surgery reports and what not,
which I have saved over the years.

This continuing to be able to add and delete and modify text easily from
within LyX would be the lightest weight solution and without changing my
workflow too much.

For (KOMA) letters I can do this using something like what we discussed
here previously (quoted bleow for ease of reference, which allows me to
get the pre-filled fields onto the screen so I can see AND change their
contents if required.

I haven't even looked in detail at the LaTeX mailmerge which will surely
be templatable, but doesn't do what the Local Layout does, namely let me
see (and change) the content of the templetated fields on the LyX

I have been unable to manage to do this in a KOMA Article, so if
someone has some advice there, I'd be very grateful.

As a second, less important, but also quite interesting issue, am
wondering about the Template Toolkit (http://www.template-toolkit.org)

It's trivial to put (unique) place holders in there, save the file, then
at run time have Perl (in line) substitute (s///) the placeholders with
the live data, and fire LyX up but I would like make it more generic and
learn a new tool (kit :-)-O).

Has anyone experimented with something like this?

greetings, el

On 2017-04-25 09:47 , Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> Even Cooler :-)-O
> That will help me for a number of things.
> And, I can move the luacode from the preamble into the layout if I
> really wanted to :-)-O
> greetings, el
> On 25/04/2017 06:28, Guenter Milde wrote:
>> To have it all in one place, you can move the preamble definition
>> into the Style
>> Style EDD
>>    CopyStyle Date
>>    LabelFont
>>        Series Bold
>>        Color Red
>>    EndFont
>>    LatexName renewcommand
>>    LatexParam {\LMP}
>>    LabelString "LMP:"
>>    Preamble
>>      \newcommand\LMP[1]{#1}
>>    EndPreamble
>> End
>> Günter

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