Couple of things: in the paragraph dialogue, you can set vfill above and below,
and you can "keep" it. Try playing around with this.

Also, the multicol package tries to adjust stuff to fill the whole column. If
you specify \raggedcolumns then you can override this behavior and specify your
own pushings around.

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> Can someone help explain how to put some extra blank vertical
> space in a column in a multicols environment?  For example,
> in a 3-column page, I can put \vspace*{10in} or whatever, and
> push the subsequent text to the bottom of the first column.
> But I can't seem to push it to the top of the second column!
> If I add more space, it seems to simply push the text further
> down, off the bottom of the page.  If I put a \newpage in the
> first column, it gives me an entire blank page, starting the
> text at the top of the next page.
> I can't seem to get the text to flow gracefully between columns
> with spacing commands.  Is there a way to do this?
> TIA,
> Jim

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