I am writing a paper with using this structure (simplified for explanation):





I have it set up so that, for example, I can work on part2.lyx and compile it to view only the part2.pdf file.

Now say, I'm working on part2.lyx. If I put an image file in the same directory, e.g.:


The compilation works fine. But if I create a top-level directory to store my images, both to keep things organized to find files and to be able to share/update pictures and have them in a different directory:


When I try to insert the image in part2.lyx, Lyx just won't do it. Nothing crashes, but the image never shows up in the document. In fact, using the Insert > Graphics ... dialog, as soon as I browse to ../images/picture1.png and select the image, the Insert Graphics window closes with nothing inserted in the document.

What am I doing wrong?

Secondary question:

I believe it was in his book on the ggplot2 package for R that Hadley Wickham recommended putting this command in the LaTeX preamble:


But this totally screws things up for me when I put it in the preamble in LyX. Any thoughts about this?

Thanks for your help.

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