On 02/24/2018 10:06 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 24.02.2018, 16:00 +0200 schrieb Dr Eberhard Lisse:
>> Hi,
>> I have created a template which uses the above module and sets up
>> stuff
>> like:
>>      \setenumerate[1]{label*=\arabic*., ref=\arabic*}
>> in the preamble.
>> If I use a (numbered) list in the text, enumitem.sty is loaded, hence
>> the above works, but if I don't enumitem.sty is not loaded and the
>> above
>> generates an error.
>> I enclosed a MWE, just make the word test a list (enumerate or
>> itemize)
>> and the error should go away.
>> Can that be considered a bug?
> No. This is by design.
>> Is there a workaround?
> \@ifpackageloaded{enumitem}{%
> <your stuff>
> }{}

Alternatively, in the module itself (or wherever the layout is), put
that code
into the Preamble section for the Enumerate style, e.g.:

Style Enumerate
        \setenumerate[1]{label*=\arabic*., ref=\arabic*}

Note that this would over-write any previous Preamble declaration, though.
Probably we should have an AddToPreamble for these, too.


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