i've a problem and can't solve it but hopefully you.
- i work with lyx 1.1.6win32 under Windows98.
- i have a bibliography-tool tkbibtex
- to use these tool in LyX i have to set in the lyxrc-file the line:
\serverpipe "c:/.lyxpipe"
but this doesn't work!!!
- the path in tkbibtex (that means in my tkbibtex.tcl) i've set:
set lyxpipe c:/.lyxpipe
this functioned well, because if i want to push a item from tkbibtex to LyX
it calls me, that it have not found c:/.lyxpipe.*
LyX seems to ignore my entry in the lyxrc file. what should i do? i know
from an friend that he have the same problem.
much thanks for an answer in forward!!!!
Robert Braun
Mosenstrasse 2a
01309 Dresden
Tel.: ++49 / 351 / 3 10 14 59