On 02/19/2018 02:25 AM, F M Salter wrote:
On 19/02/18 08:06, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:
The very definition of “plain text” precludes what you're hoping
toget. The closest thing of which I know to what you want is
RTF(rich-text format)
Plain text is the export option offered by LyX.
There is no RTF option!
First, if that were simply true, it wouldn't change the point that
plain text simply does not have italics, boldface, underlining, &c.
And that was my essential point.
Second, when last I knew, users could configure LyX to work with
LaTeX2rtf on some OSs (Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows). How this
configuration is effected varies with OS. If you really want to
export to RTF, google “LaTeX2rtf site:lyx.org”.
But, since I don't know what your ultimate objective be, I don't know
whether converting to RTF would really get you closer, or just send
you on a goose-chase.