On 01/20/2018 11:30 AM, racoon wrote:
> By default LyX loads standard layouts and insets. Is there a way to
> extend them without overwriting the default .inc file and without
> using a module?
> Let's say I want to extend the standard Note style.
> I don't want to use a module since I want to make a non-optional
> change to the Note inset. For example, I want to use another font size
> for all LyX notes.
> If I understood correctly, I can just put a copy of the stdinset.inc
> file from the library to the user directory. But this will have the
> unwelcome effect to overwrite whatever is in the stdinset.inc in the
> library directory. So, to avoid unwanted consequences, I will have to
> update my user stdinset.inc every time the library stdinset.inc
> changes, for example, in a new version of LyX.

I have run into this problem, too. Some form of it will arise any time
you want to emend or amend a layout file.

I wonder if a longer-term solution is required, then. Might there be
some way we could have 'extensions' of this kind? Maybe they could be
named things like stdinsets.inc.ext and they would always be loaded
after the corresponding other file was.


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