On 12/31/2017 11:01 AM, Rich Shepard wrote: > I've read the index sections in the User Guide and did not see how > to add > a concept to the index. Here's a contrived example. > > A handbook for long distance truckers does not have a section on > 'compliance' but the indexer knows that readers will look for > 'compliance' > or 'complying' in the index. The index should have a main heading and > subentries something like this: > compliance with > full bladder > rest periods > speed limits > trip log > weigh stations > weight limits > > Each subentry has a reference indicator which is found in the text > and can > be marked using Insert -> Index. How can the conceptual term be > entered as a > header?
6.6.1: These should all be entered as "compliance with!full bladder", etc. The exclamation point marks grouping levels. Richard