On 10/24/2017 09:37 AM, racoon wrote:
> Hi
> I know of the "Save as Document Defaults" in the document settings.
> What it seems to do is create a default document with preferences that
> is loaded when one creates a new document.
> However, if I have created a number of documents using those defaults
> and discover that I would like to have something differently, is it
> possible not only to save the new settings to the defaults for new
> documents but also apply those defaults withing other already existing
> documents?
> I guess I am missing an "Apply Document Defaults" button in settings.
> But maybe there is a different way in LyX to do this.

There's no way in LyX to do this, but the fact that LyX files are just
text files makes it easy to do outside LyX. One option is to write a
really basic filter and then run it on your files. For example, if you
wanted to use refstyle, whereas you hadn't previously, you could just do:
    perl -ibak -pe 's/\\use_refstyle 0/\\use_refstyle 1/' *.lyx
Of course, if it's just that one thing to change, that's maybe not so
helpful. But if there were several changes....

Many people use similar techniques to make all kinds of changes to LyX
files. Just as an example, I'm attaching a Perl script I used a little
while ago to change all citations to a particular book to citealias-type
citations. I prefer to write these things in Perl, since it was more or
less designed for this sort of thing. But you could also do it in
Python, of course, or sed or awk, if you're really masochistic.


PS The cite*alias commands are supported by an updated citeengine I
wrote, which I've also attached, again as an example. If you search for
"alias" you'll find what I added.

(which I'd written a new citeengine file to support, also attached, also
as an example).

Attachment: citealias.pl
Description: Perl program

# \DeclareLyXCiteEngine[natbib.sty]{Natbib (Modified)}
# DescriptionBegin
#   Natbib supports a range of both author-year and numerical styles mainly
#   aimed at the Humanities. It features automatic sorting and merging of
#   numerical citations, annotations, capitalization of the `van' part of
#   author names, shortened and full author lists, and more.
# DescriptionEnd

# Author: Julien Rioux <jri...@lyx.org>

Format 63

Requires natbib

# The framework (biblatex|bibtex)
CiteFramework bibtex

# Cite style variants (default|authoryear|natbib)
# We provide both authoryear and numerical citations
CiteEngineType authoryear|numerical

# Default style files for either engine type
DefaultBiblio  authoryear:plainnat|numerical:plainnat

# Maximum number of names before "et al." chimes in
MaxCiteNames 2

# The syntax of the cite command definitions below is:
# LyXName|alias*<!_stardesc!_stardesctooltip>[][]=latexcmd
# * LyXName:  The LyX name as output in the LyX file. For
#             portability reasons, we try to use the same
#             name for same-formatted commands in the
#             different engines (thus many names stem from
#             natbib).
# * Alias:    A (comma-separated) list of commands that fall
#             back to the given LyX name in the current engine.
#             This is a bit like "ObsoletedBy" in the layouts.
# * latexcmd: The actual LaTeX command that is output.
# Alias and latexcmd are optional. If no latexcmd is given, the
# LyXName will be output to LaTeX.
# Note further:
# * The LyXName "keyonly" has a special meaning: only the citation key,
#   without any latex command, is output.
# * Capitalization indicates that the command also has a capitalized
#   form (\Latexcmd vs. \latexcmd). These usually enforce upcasing of
#   name prefixes (von Goethe => Von Goethe).
# * Brackets [] indicate the number of optional arguments (0, 1, 2).
# * The star * indicates there is a starred version of the command
#   (\latexcmd* vs. \latexcmd). By default, the starred version means:
#   Expand the author list even if the maxnames setting would cause
#   BibTeX/Biber to shorten it with "et al.".
#   If the star has a different meaning for a command, it can be
#   specified in angle brackets: <!_stardesc!_stardesctooltip>.
#   Maximal two translatable macro keywords, marked by the prefix '!_',
#   can be given. The first points to the string that replaces the
#   "Full aut&hor list" checkbox label in the Citation dialog, the
#   second one an optional tooltip for this checkbox. Note that these
#   two macros have to be defined in the CiteFormat section (see below),
#   dropping the '!' from the prefix (see below), e.g.:
#   _stardesc Starred command label
#   _stardesctooltip Tooltip for the starred command checkbox.

# CITE COMMAND DEFINITIONS for either engine type
CiteEngine authoryear

CiteEngine numerical


# The following defines how the commands are represented in the GUI
# (inset button and citation dialog) as well as in XHTML, docbook and
# plain text output.
# There are common definitions (default) and specific definitions for
# either cite engine type (which overwrite existing defaults.

# Input standard format definitions for the bibliography
Input stdciteformats.inc

CiteFormat default
        # MACROS
        # 1. Translatable bits (need to be marked by _ prefix)
        #    Note that preceding and trailing spaces matter.
        _notcited not cited
        _addtobib Add to bibliography only.
        _keyonly Key only.
        _key Key
        # The following are handled by BiblioInfo
        _etal  et al.
        _namesep , [[separate author names in citation, except for last name]]
        _lastnamesep , and [[separate name of last author in citation]]
        _pairnamesep  and [[separate two authors in citation]]

        # 2. Macros re-used in the style definitions
        # A link that lets us jump to the bibliography entry in LyXHTML
        # %clean:key% will be substituted by the cite key to give a unique id
        !startlink {!<a href='#LyXCite-%clean:key%'>!}
        !endlink {!</a>!}

        # "Author et al." or "??"
        !abbrvciteauthor {%abbrvciteauthor%[[%abbrvciteauthor%]][[??]]}
        # "Author, ..." or "??"
        !fullciteauthor {%fullciteauthor%[[%fullciteauthor%]][[??]]}
        # Handle starred command: abbr. or full author list
        !makeauthor {%ifstar%[[%!fullciteauthor%]][[%!abbrvciteauthor%]]}
        # "prenote "
        !textbefore {%textbefore%[[%textbefore% ]]}
        # ", postnote"
        !textafter {%textafter%[[, %textafter%]]}
        # Add a year if it exists (else "??") and possibly a modifier (as in 
        !year {%year%[[%year%]][[??]]}{%modifier%[[%modifier%]]}

        # "...; Author..."
        !nextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% 
        # Handle starred command: abbr. or full author list
        !makenextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% 
        # "..., CiteKey..."
        !nextkey {%next%[[%!sep% %key%%!nextkey%]]}
        # "..., Year..."
        !nextyear {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%]]}

        # (identical in authoryear and numerical)

        # "(cf. Year; NextYear, p. xx)" [Authoryear] / "(cf. Year, NextYear, p. 
xx)" [Numerical]
        # "Add to bibliography only." (dialog) / "[ID] (not cited)" (button)
        nocite {%dialog%[[%_addtobib%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_notcited%)]]}
        # Output only the key
        keyonly {%dialog%[[%_keyonly%]][[%_key%: %key%%!nextkey%]]}

CiteFormat authoryear
        # MACROS
        !open (
        !sep ;
        !close )
        !abbrev ALIAS

        # "Author et al. (cf. Year..."
        !makecitet %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink% 
        # "Author et al. cf. Year..." [sic!]
        !makecitealt %!startlink%%!makeauthor% 
        # "Author et al., Year..."
        !makecitealp %!startlink%%!makeauthor%, %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%

        # "...); Nextauthor (Year..."
        !nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink% 
        # "...; NextAuthor et al. Year..."
        !nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!makecitealt%]]}
        # "...; NextAuthor et al., Year..."
        !nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!makecitealp%]]}

        # (additions and modifications to default)

        # "Author (cf. Year); NextAuthor (Year, p. xx)"
        citet %!makecitet%%!textafter%%!close%
        # "(cf. Author et al., Year; NextAuthor et al., Year, p. xx)"
        citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!makecitealp%%!textafter%%!close%
        # "cf. Author et al., Year; NextAuthor et al., Year, p. xx"
        citealp %!textbefore%%!makecitealp%%!textafter%
        # "Author cf. Year; NextAuthor Year, p. xx" [sic!]
        citealt %!makecitealt%%!textafter%
        # "Author; NextAuthor, p. xx"
        # "Year; NextYear, p. xx"
        citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%

        # "Author et al. (cf. Year..."
        !mktalp %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!abbrev%%!endlink% %!year%%!nextcitet%
        # "Author et al., Year..."
        !mktalt %!startlink%%!abbrev%, %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%
        # "Author (cf. Year); NextAuthor (Year, p. xx)"
        citetalias %!mktalt%%!textafter%
        # "(cf. Author et al., Year; NextAuthor et al., Year, p. xx)"
        citepalias %!open%%!mktalp%%!textafter%%!close%
        # Fallback style: "Author (cf. Year); NextAuthor (Year, p. xx)"
        cite %!makecitet%%!textafter%%!close%

CiteFormat numerical
        # MACROS
        !open [
        !sep ,
        !close ]

        # "Author [cf. ID..."
        !makecitet %!makeauthor% 
        # "Author cf. ID..."
        !makecitealt %!makeauthor% 
        # "ID..."

        # "...], NextAuthor [ID..."
        !nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!makeauthor% 
        # "..., NextAuthor ID..."
        !nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!makeauthor% 
        # FIXME: What is this?
        !nexthashid {%next%[[%!sep% #ID%!nexthashid%]]}
        # "..., NextID..."
        !nexthashkey {%next%[[%!sep% 

        # (additions and modifications to default)

        # "[cf. ID, NextID, p. xx]"
        citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!hashkey%%!textafter%%!close%
        # "Author [cf. ID], Nextauthor [NextID, p. xx]"
        citet %!makecitet%%!textafter%%!close%
        # "cf. ID, NextID, p. xx"
        citealp %!textbefore%%!hashkey%%!textafter%
        # "Author cf. ID, NextAuthor ID, p. xx"
        citealt %!makecitealt%%!textafter%
        # "Author, NextAuthor"
        citeauthor %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink%%!makenextauthor%
        # "Year, NextYear"
        citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%

        # Fallback style: "[cf. ID, NextID, p. xx]"
        cite %!open%%!textbefore%%!hashkey%%!textafter%%!close%

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