Le 26/09/2017 à 18:10, Rich Shepard a écrit : > Jean-Marie, > > The setting file does not have a \LoadLetterIption command, and does > contain \@setplength commands:
The important thing is \@setplength commands go before the \KOMAoptions in the preamble. And since these are not modified frequently, it makes sense to put them in a file called "lco". My preamble reads as: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Here you can modify the layout of your letter %% Have a look at the KOMA script documentation %% for details. Most commands are commented out %% here (i.e. we use default settings) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation) \LoadLetterOption{NF}% %% THE CLASS OPTIONS %% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item \KOMAoptions{% %,headsepline=true% separate the header with a line on page >1 %,footsepline=true% separate the footer with a line on page >1 %pagenumber=botcenter% position of the page number (see docu) %,parskip=false% Use indent instead of skip (more options cf. docu) ,fromalign=left% alignment of the address %,fromrule=aftername% separate the address with a line? ,fromphone=true% print sender phone number %,fromfax=true% print sender fax number ,fromemail=true% print sender e-mail address %,fromurl=true% print sender URL %,fromlogo=true% print a logo (position depends on fromalign) %,addrfield=false% print an address field? ,backaddress=false% print the back address? %,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position %,locfield=narrow% width of the (extra) location field %,foldmarks=false% print foldmarks? %,numericaldate=true% date layout %,refline=wide% layout of the refline } %% Customize Separators %\setkomavar{placeseparator}{ -- } \setkomavar{backaddressseparator}{ $\cdot$ } %\setkomavar{emailseparator}{ --> } %\setkomavar{enclseparator}{ > } %\setkomavar{faxseparator}{ --> } %\setkomavar{phoneseparator}{ --> } %\setkomavar{subjectseparator}{ >>> } %% Customize fonts %% Use LaTeX's standard font commands %% Modify with \setkomafont or \addtokomafont %% (see KOMA documentation) \setkomafont{backaddress}{\rmfamily} %\setkomafont{descriptionlabel}{} \setkomafont{fromaddress}{\small} \setkomafont{fromname}{\scshape} %\setkomafont{pagefoot}{} %\setkomafont{pagehead}{} %\setkomafont{pagenumber}{} %\setkomafont{subject}{} %\setkomafont{title}{} %\renewcommand{\theenumi}{\alph{enumi}} -- Jean-Marie