On 09/25/2017 12:51 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
Some time in the past I modified the KOMA-letter version 2 template to
suit my needs. Not by modifying the template itself, but using selected
elements for a letter which I then copy and modify for new letters.
This has
worked well until today.
At the top of the document is a Logo environment using the company
logo as
a .pdf file. It shows in the .lyx document but not when I do a preview or
pdflatex compilation.
Just after the preamble in the .lyx file is the Logo:
\begin_layout Logo
\begin_inset Graphics
filename /home/rshepard/documents/templates/llc-letterhead.pdf
width 100text%
BoundingBox 80bp 100bp 520bp 250bp
I'm at a loss to know where to start looking for the reason and need
ideas from the experts here.
Try starting LyX from a terminal with the "-dbg graphics" flag, open and
view the document, and see if it spits up an error message. (I assume
you've already checked the LaTeX log for signs of an implosion.)