On 09/07/2017 08:02 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Hello,
> I have one machine with fedora 24 and one with fedora 26 (both with lyx 2.2.3)
> When I convert the lyx file to a rtf file, it works well on the 
> fedora 24 machine, and it does not work on the machine with 
> fedora 26.
> In both file .lyx/configure.log, I have the same:
> \converter latex      rtf        "latex2rtf -p -S -o $$o $$i" "needaux"
> What should I check? I guess that the issue may be with the conversion from 
> the lyx to latex.

I wouldn't think so. If you're using 2.2.3 on both machines, then the
LaTeX output should be the same. The difference in the OS should not
make a difference. My guess would be that there may be a difference in
the latex2rtf converter.

If you run LyX from a terminal, you should see any error messages that
are output during the conversion. LyX just calls converters directly.


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