A table withing a table cell is great, but I have some problems:
1. I can easily get the vertical lines of the interior table
to join the upper and lower edge of the outer table cell.
I.e. no whitespace above and below the interior table.
Unfortunately I get whitespace to the right and
left of the interior table, can that be avoided?
One use of this is to have an outer table that
basically have two columns, and a single row
or two with lots of more columns.
Using multicolumn for this is a lot more work, having
to join extra columns in all the other rows.
The problem is that the space to the right and left
of the inner table looks like small extra columns.
I tried to use them like that, but the text written
there does not line up well with the inner table edges.
And I might want to do this with a inner table with
several rows too.
Is this at all possible, or perhaps planned for
some later release?
2. Changing fonts, boldness, language, etc. of text
in a cell in a inner table does not work. I have
to work around by writing outside the table
and pasting the corrected text into it.
Known problem?
3. Selecting all of a table in order to change everything
to bold doesn't work. I have to do this cell by cell
which is tedious.
Helge Hafting